Minggu, 27 November 2016


Kindergarten-Grade 3-All of the elements of the classic story are present: the cow, the magic beans, the hen that lays a golden egg, the harp, and, of course, the menacing giant. His castle has been intricately drawn; in an author's note, Lorenz explains how he created a scale of exacting proportions. He also has his Jack fashion clever contraptions, using the principles of simple machines, to carry his finds home. The illustrations are extraordinarily detailed and, in a number of instances, bordered with fairly elaborate designs. There is a lot going on-snakes, insects, mice, bats, and quite a few skulls, mostly human, litter the landscape. In four of approximately 12 spreads, readers are asked to find Jack. They can also find jars labeled noses, feet, and pickled eyeballs resting on shelves near a bound volume, 100 Ways to Cook Boys. Despite its numerous pluses, the narrative seems burdensomely long; the text itself stretches out in fairly labored declarative sentences without the richness of vocabulary needed to imbue such a vivid old tale. Also, the many illustrations, although colorful, are often cluttered and occasionally garish in tone.Harriett Fargnoli, Great Neck Library, NYCopyright 2002 Reed Business Information, Inc.

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